| We bought Sweet Blue Dancer from Wendall Mayo in Petrolia, Texas. She is one of those mares that you don't realize what you have until she is gone. Her offspring have all been big and beautiful with great conformation, balance and disposition. Her daughters have gone on to be class producers like she was, just one generation down the pedigree. Wendall and Sweet Blue Dancer have both gone on to be with our Lord and are together again in the great pastures in the sky. | Dancing Bill 1974 Gray | Dancing Dervish TB 1960 Gray | Native Dancer TB 1950 Gray | Polynesian TB 1942 Brown | Geisha TB 1943 Gray | Mumtaz TB 1954 Gray | Mahmoud TB 1933 Gray | Motto 1932 Bay | One Chick 1966 Brown | Three Chick's AAAT 1959 Brown | Three Bars 1940 Chestnut | Chicado V AAAT 1950 Brown | Baby Itch 1960 Brown | Mac Lee 1950 Sorrel | Pharosad 1951 | Son's Sugar 1968 | Son O Sugar 1961 Sorrel | Sugar Bars 1951 Sorrel | Three Bars 1940 Chestnut | Frontera Sugar 1943 Palomino | Leo Pan 1950 Sorrel | Leo 1940 Sorrel | Panchita 1933 Bay | Josie Klamath 1956 | Buda McCue Klamath 1947 Bay | Chief McCue 1938 Chestnut | Budana 1942 Bay | Drona 1942 Sorrel | Nassak 1925 Chestnut | Angel 1936 Chestnut |
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